our aim is to save our environment by providing eco-friendly products and stop using plastics anymore. as all of us know the bad side effect of plastic on people and the environment taking this opportunity we come up with the Bamboo Bazzar idea
We always wanted to do something special for our homeland.
But we had no idea where to start, until, We came across a bamboo Case and brushes.
Our first thought was... how sustainable would these products be, how long will they last, wouldn’t they break easily?? As it turns out, bamboo is different. It's grass, But much more sustainable than wood.
Bamboo grows fast without any chemicals. Even stronger than steel. And a great alternative to single-use plastics.
From bottles to brushes to planters to straws.
We were amazed how single-use plastics in our homes can be replaced so easily!
We’ve knowledge about Environment Pollution in Iraq and Kurdistan Region is gradually increasing day by day.
Due to the lack of Recycling Factories. Tons of Plastics waste that accumulates in thousands of tons raises the percentage of pollution and leads to various types of cancer.
Eco-Friendly Stationery strives to swap the ‘non-disposables’ with the ‘sustainable’.
We envisioned this platform to vitalize the use of eco-friendly items among people to lessen the burden of waste reduction and save our environment from the already increasing damages caused by one-time consumable items.
However BambooBazzar is Currently an E-Store, but we've Planned to expand our business, by moving into new areas and building a strong relationship with other businesses.
Buy one, Plant one
We’re planting trees Locally & globally through partnerships with
several incredible organizations that have been bringing about change through tree planting for decades.
BambooBazzar, already Planted more than 1,000 trees since the Program launched.
Zero-waste, Zero Paste.
We Proudly launched a ZERO WASTE & Fluoride-free Toothpaste Tablet. Nano-Hydroxyapatite (aka nHAp) is a non-toxic fluoride alternative
which has been proven to remineralize enamel and kick sensitivity to the curb.
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